Monday, February 14, 2011

Everyone Loves an Italian Boy

I hate to admit it, but the cliche is still true. In NYC, I met a lot of women from around the world who were equal opportunity daters. All agree, there's just something about Italian men.

This picture says it all. I was introducing Ciccio to my friends and wanted them to understand why I was planning to marry him: his pizza skills. Before the dinner, I prepped Ciccio by reminding him the names of my friends and gave him some etiquette pointers. Somehow Ciccio took that to mean a nutella face smearing would be appropriate.  Luckily my friend Kirsten (pictured in the center) was a good sport. Look at my face though. I'm smiling, but you can see in my eyes I'm wondering "Why do I put up with this?"

Only an Italian boy could get away with such a faux pas. Actually this is what makes them irresistible. They just go for it, disregarding social norms and fears in all they do.

Ciccio eats too fast, talks too loud, and makes bold statements without thinking. It drives me nuts. On the other hand, he'll call me "pumpkin pie" in Home Depot with no reservations and tell me his deepest thoughts regarding religion.

Italian boys put it all on the table and most women will take it especially if they can have pizza too.


  1. Monica the look on your face tells it all!!

  2. Italians will say: "We are not all like that, that's Ciccio !!!"
