Monday, April 26, 2010


Sometimes I forget Ciccio is Italian. I know this may sound stupid, but I don't notice his accent anymore, unless I'm in a group and I see people struggling to understand him. Yet, every once in a while, we will be at home and he'll say something that triggers my memory that he is in fact foreign.

Last night, we were watching Brothers & Sisters and he said, "Why did she call her mother?"

I said, "What do you mean why did she call her mother?"

"That is her mom. That is why she called her mother," I said confused.

"Oh..... mother means mom?" Ciccio asked.


I was taken back because I expect Ciccio to understand everything and yet many times we are lost in translation. This recent episode reminded me of one of our first communication mishaps involving a missing cook at Bar Italia.

It was Saturday, early afternoon and I was alone in Bar Italia working brunch. We starting getting customers at the door and I was freaking out because our cook wasn't there yet. I didn't know if I should give them a table and make them wait or if the cook would ever even arrive? I called Ciccio and our partner restaurant to try to get help and answers fast!

Finally Ciccio comes in and I'm frantic.

"What's up?" he says casually.

"WE HAVE NO COOK!!!!" I said to him and told him I didn't know what I should tell the customers.

"NO Problem," he said to me and "of course" give them a table. He proceeds to get the beverage gun out to make himself a drink. I was thinking this jerk, I'm freaking out and all he can think about is getting a soda? It's his business, not mine and he's not worried about losing these customers????

"There is Cook," he says.

"Where?!" I asked.

"Look Cook!" Ciccio says and points to his soda and I realize he has no idea what I'm talking about.


At times, it can be frustrating to be misunderstood, but mostly we laugh our way through the confusion.


  1. That just made me chuckle and smile! I MUST meet Ciccio one of these times I come home to Ohio :)

  2. This is awesome.. I love Ciccio stories, I laugh out loud!

  3. i love this story; could a ciccio & monica book be in our future?????

  4. i love it....u are crazy ..both of u..barbara
