Friday, January 15, 2010


I finally did it.....I watched the Jersey Shore on MTV. It was exactly the kind of mindlessness that I needed. Sorry Real Housewives of OC; you bore me. So my Thursday nights are free for fights and fist pumping.

Here is "The Situation", on one episode Snooki calls herself a Guidette. When Ciccio and I were first dating we had a play fight and I said, "You Guido". He shot me this serious face and I immediately felt bad for pushing the wrong button.

"I'm sorry I called you a Guido," I said.

"What's a Guido?" Ciccio responded.

I explained to him that it was a derogatory term for Italians. He had never heard of it and said it is definitely not a word "real" Italians use. I was relieved that Ciccio wasn't offended, but a little bummed I couldn't tease him with that term.

The moral of the story is.....If you DON'T know what a Guido is, you might be Italian. Jersey Shore cast, you are entertaining for sure, yet according to Ciccio you are not Italian.


PS- I found this vintage pic of Ciccio looking a little Guidoish

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